Archbishop Wood senior Dylan Logue is committed to attending Ursinus College. (Photo courtesy of the Logue family)

Many high school athletes remain non-committal about what to do next after graduation.

Dylan Logue understands their anguish.

Like thousands of peers across the country, Archbishop Wood’s senior footballer underwent the college selection journey aimed at finding a mix of strong academics and footballing excellence.

After an often arduous trek filled with research, advice and prayers, the 18-year-old recently confirmed his choice.

This September, Logue will dress in red, gold, and black as a member of Ursinus College.

“It’s been a process,” Logue said. “I’m relieved to know that I’m going somewhere where I’ll be comfortable and comfortable and ready to go right away.”

Regardless of where Logue landed, the journey from a burgeoning high school neophyte to a Division III college athlete established an early lesson in life.

A volunteer firefighter in Bryn Athyn, Logue endured the elevator trips of discernment. While coaches could run through swaths of him towering over offensive linemen from his primary spot at defensive tackle, that didn’t necessarily guarantee an offer or acceptance.

Moreover, even if Logue received an invitation, the intangibles had to be present for him to have peace of mind.

“It’s not easy to find a good fit everywhere,” Logue said. “It’s exciting, but it’s also exhausting.

“Reaching this point in football and even in life is a great achievement. Not everyone has the ability to go out there and play and be talented. Being patient is key. You won’t be not the best or the strongest when you get to first grade, but when you take the time to improve and invest in yourself, those opportunities will present themselves.

If his Vikings teammates asked for his advice, Logue would happily – and humbly – share his newfound wisdom.

“To any young high school football player or any athlete, I would say make the most of the time you have,” Logue said. “While you appreciate everything you have, you have to be smart not just in class or on the football pitch, but in life.

“Make good decisions, and everything will fall into place.”

Archbishop Wood’s assistant coach Chris Knott considers Logue a protege.

A former Wood All-Catholic lineman who graduated in 2011 and became an offensive and defensive line coach four years ago, Knott has watched Logue develop as a football player while maturing physically, mentally and emotionally.

“His sophomore and junior seasons had a lot of ups and downs with him in and out of the roster,” Knott said. “His senior year, he wanted to improve every day, and he did. Dylan was a starter on the defensive line and has become a very strong and consistent player for us this year.

“We’ve had our battles, but I’m so proud of the player and the man he has become, and I look forward to a bright future for him and an ongoing relationship.”

For Logue’s mother, Megan, a former basketball player at the since-closed Cardinal Dougherty High School, there was little she could do as the reality of college called to her during freshman year. Dylan.

His ideas could serve as a model for anxious parents.

“To sit through this whole process and allow Dylan to make a huge future decision by just giving my thoughts and opinions was difficult,” she said. “You always want to ensure that your child is doing the right thing and making the right decision.

“As a parent, you ‘need’ the control, but not anymore. Now is the time to sit back and watch all those parenting years unfold. I learned that you have to have confidence in yourself and have done your best to raise this little boy into a man. Because at the end of the day, it’s their future, not ours. And most likely, he already knows what he wants for his future, or has a general idea.

“All he is looking for is your support and your love. Give them the confidence to succeed in what they’ve worked hard for, and most importantly, be proud of them.

Proud mom. Grateful son.

Landing. Or, in the case of Dylan Logue, a bag.


Contact John Knebels at on Twitter @johnknebels.